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Compact Introduction & Implementation

CSKT Water Compact

The CSKT Water Compact is a Tribal-State-Federal agreement to fulfill the quantification of the Salish, Kalispell, and Kootenai water rights as guaranteed through the 1855 Hellgate Treaty. The  Compact was enacted, through the U.S. Secretary of the Interior’s signature on September 17, 2021 completes a long journey to passage that included successful passage through the U.S. Congress, Montana Legislature and CSKT’s Tribal Council. Put another way, the compact is finished and is currently passing through the Montana Water Court to achieve a final decree, thus completing the journey of the water compact to completion. 

CSKT created the Division of Engineering and Water Resources to implement the CSKT Water Compact, a large task that required the creation of a skilled and nimble department versed in technical expertise and tribal knowledge, all with a scientific foundation. DEWRs is one of three divisions within Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribe’s second largest department. Tribal Health is the largest department. 

This site is intended to showcase and update the ongoing projects directed at rehabilitation and betterment of the B.I.A. Flathead Indian Irrigation Project that serves ranchers and farmers in the Mission Valley. The Compact lays out a schedule of improvements across the 1,000 miles of irrigation canals. 

CSKT Water Compact at Work

DEWR: Division of Engineering and Water Resources

CSKT Irrigation Projects

The Confederated Salish Kootenai Tribes (CSKT) is working to update and modernize the irrigation facilities in the Flathead area. The work will improve the efficiency of the irrigation systems in an effort to preserve water to benefit the wetlands in the area.


Several projects are in-process. Many projects are in planning phases. This website will serve as a repository for information about all projects. Please check back– information will be updated regularly.

Irrigation Projects

Jocko K


Pablo 31A
Chute Replacement

Falls Creek
Diversion Replacement

Falls Creek 1

Lower Jocko
J Diversion Upgrades


Dam Safety Projects

Crow Dam


Lower Crow Dam
Safety Upgrade


Kicking Horse Dam
Safety Upgrades

Kicking Horse 1

Planning Projects

Charlo Irrigation

Charlo Map 1

Mollman Pass Trail

Mollman Pass Tr 1

Mitigation and Restoration

Twin Lakes

Twin Lakes 4

Bison Range Reach Restoration

Bison Range Restoration


Confederated Salish Kootenai Tribes

The CSKT is leading all compact implementation improvement efforts.