The Jocko Service Area of the Flathead Indian Irrigation Project has been identified as a high-priority target for rehabilitation, betterment and modernization as it relates to water delivery efficiencies. The Jocko K Canal irrigation service area will be rehabilitated with a delivery network of pressurized, buried pipe. Pressurized pipe operates by completely filling the pipe with water, allowing the pipe to pressurize by the effect of gravity. A Master Plan for the area was developed as a collaborative effort between the engineering services of Morrison-Maierle, CSKT, and FIIP staff. The conceptual design is split into six phases over the next three years that will involve 17.7 miles of pipeline. Some of the challenges in the Jocko Service Area that will be fixed include canals overgrown with vegetation, high seepage losses due to the character of underlying soils, and flow control structures.