The CSKT, in conjunction with the BIA, hired DOWL to provide alternatives analysis and final design of a new diversion structure, intake, fish screen, and pipeline for the Lower Jocko J Canal. DOWL designed a rock ramp diversion to accommodate and improve upstream passage for various fish species and a new fish screen to eliminate short-term entrainment issues prevalent in the former system. The fish screen includes four hemi-screens which discharge via a pipe manifold in a new 48-inch diameter conveyance pipeline. The pipeline will be constructed on a new alignment, allowing reclamation of the original canal alignment within the Jocko River riparian corridor. The pipeline improves the operational function of the canal, eliminates flow constrictions in the system, incorporates flow measurement improvements, and includes a jack-and-bore crossing under railroad and highway infrastructure (requiring utility licenses and encroachment permits with multiple entities). This project is within critical bull trout habitat. A biological assessment to assist the BIA and CSKT with Section 107 consultation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has been completed. An Environmental Assessment and public involvement activities are in-process.
Workflow Timeline
Design: Complete
Construction 2025
Project Team
Design Consultant: DOWL
Contractor: TBD
Status Update
This project is anticipated to be let for construction in 2024.